Date: November 24th, 2019
Location: Bothell High School
Time: 6-8:30pm
*check in starts at 5:30pm
Cost: $15
Space will be limited. To register please complete the information below and then click the “Submit” button. After submitting this form, please use the PayPal link to pay the fee (this is separate from the $5 USAV membership). If you need another arrangement, please let us know.
You will also need to bring the paperwork for the following 3 things in order to participate: (We can give these back to you, but it’s best to make a copy of these for each club you tryout for)
1. A copy of your USAV $5 Tryout Membership: Click here to register
2. A copy of your Medical Release Form: Click here for the file
3. A copy of the Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Signature Form: Click here for the file
If you are new to club, please make sure you visit our Puget Sound Region’s Website for everything you need to know about tryouts in our area.
In addition, please make sure you are signing up for the correct tryout by checking out the USAV Age Definition Chart.